Family Fridays 2025
Family Fridays is open to toddlers through outgoing kindergarteners.
Join us for art, waterplay, sensory play, sand play, small motor and large motor, snacks, circle time with a story and music, and much more!! Parents attend with their children and get plenty of social time with the other parents hanging out! Arrive to an outdoor space set-up and ready for play with young children in mind. Parents are asked to bring a snack one time during the sessions to share.
Enjoy your Friday mornings this Summer at our incredible child-centered space!
Family Fridays run from 9:30-12 AM. Choose to attend 4 Family Fridays or ALL 8!
June 13th, June 20th, June 27th
July 11th, July 18th, July 25th
August 1st, August 8th
$200 4 sessions- 1 child
$352 4 sessions - 2 children
$376 8 sessions - 1 child
$656 8 sessions - 2 children
Less than 4 sessions - 1 child ($60 a session)
Less than 4 sessions - 2 children ($53 a session per child)
For payment, you can choose to either be invoiced and pay online or mail a check.
**Children under 12 months attending with a sibling are free.